A series of sobering experiences.

Two posts in one day? This guy’s nuts!

Hello everyone! I’m writing this right now half to celebrate, half to commit, and half to thank you all.

Because you know what they say, three halves make a whole.

I didn’t drink today. I didn’t even stop, I hardly thought about it. My head pounding still made that pretty easy.

The fact that it’s bike week, also contributed to the headache really hammering the message in.

I get it, it’s time. I gotta get my shit together. By no means is my life in the shitter. But I am not living up to my full potential and that’s starting to piss me off.

I have sold over one hundred dollars in the tiny mountains in the last thirty days. I haven’t even advertised it. One person keeps buying them for which I am forever grateful.

I asked them, what are you doing with these things anyway? They said that their relative is a special needs teacher. Turns out they’ve been giving them to the kids to collect. I think that is amazing.

My point is, I’ve put zero effort into that since I made the Etsy account. On top of that, I actually enjoy making the damn things.

I have goals in life. Aspirations. I live in an RV. I did that because I like that my house is on wheels. I’ve been in the RV six months now and haven’t taken it anywhere yet.

No one is going to change that, except for me.

I love writing. I want to help people navigate through their own bullshit by writing about mine in a way that hopefully benefits everyone mutually.

It seems whenever I do finally put out a post, it receives positive reception.

I can’t promise those statistics will hold true for you going forward, because the more I write the higher the probability I might say something you don’t agree with.

Please don’t hold that against me, whatever it may be. I have a lot of views regarding spirituality that will ruffle some religious feathers. That’s the point in a way. If something I say offends you at any point, please ask yourself what it is in you that has taken offense.

Someone told me once you don’t get to choose what happens to you, but you get to choose how you respond.

The ability to respond to situations and circumstances appropriately for everyone’s benefit and navigate through life successfully whatever that may mean for you, is I believe in part what we’re all really looking for out of our life experience.

The ability to respond is in fact, responsibility. Something my dad used to love saying is “I don’t care if it’s your fault, it’s always your responsibility.”

There’s a lot of truth to that statement. So if you become offended at some shit I say one day regarding God, or how I believe us all to be a finite expression of God, or if I say that heaven and hell are states of mind equally as much as they might be some physical place, (which I’m starting to not believe they are not physical places.), or maybe if I say that things in this existence are already perfect. That you’re already perfect.

If I start talking about stuff like that, and you find yourself angry, or you find yourself defensive, or maybe guilty, then ask yourself why. Because if you were confident in your beliefs, you would not need to defend them so much. You would be at peace, and see others as they are because you would see yourself as you truly are and know what you are.

I don’t know how this got off track and into a bit of a tangent but you get my point.

I’ve been scared to take initiative in following my intuition.

That intuition is screaming at me to quit drinking, to keep writing, to document the process, in an authentic and real and tangible way. To show people who they are and why they are here. To fully step into what and who I actually am. To take the next step in awakening, to be present in my life and set an example for myself and hopefully for others as well.

It’s time to start using my talents at writing to express myself and to help myself and help you. It’s time I take care of myself so I can step up and take care of others better. It’s time I start giving energy to myself.

I am going to make these mountains more. I’m going to market them, I’m going to make them have a meaning deeper than a paperweight. I’m going to make a living through these paths that I am carving out in the jungle of life.

I’m going to carve paths that hopefully help others shortcut the density of mistakes that are out there so they can realize that all paths are working toward finding the truth.

The truth shall set you free.

It’s time for me to stop being a slave to my mind.  To be conscious, aware, and fully awaken.

Are you ready to wake up?

Does what I say resonate with any of you?

Are any of you curious about anything in particular and want to talk?

Leave a comment below.

I’ll get it to it once the plane reaches altitude and we are free to move about the captain. For now I gotta focus on taking off.

Thank you all for choosing to fly with me.

❤️ 🤗 🙏

8 replies on “Two posts in one day? This guy’s nuts!”

This sounds like a mission statement to me!

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of this journey. I’m looking forward to it.

May I ask what got you into drinking to begin with? Or did it just start as more of a social thing?

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Hey Rob! Thanks for your input and support. I originally got into drinking because all my friends at that time got into drinking. Alcoholism also runs in my family. I remember the first beers though I ever had were at a family get together for a NASCAR race. I drank two beers while sitting and then decided to go skateboard in the basketball court at the hotel. My legs were super floaty and I wasn’t scared to try any tricks or fall. I felt tingly and kinda dizzy but it was fun.

I developed the habit through my twenties and peaked heavily mid twenties drinking 750 ml of vodka a day for two years straight. I could drink a 30 case of beer by myself back then. The habit has been hard to break. Most regular days currently when I’m on my bullshit I will drink a 4 pack of some 16 oz beer.

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It is tough when alcoholism runs in the family. It’s almost as if we were hardwired to become drinkers ourselves.

I went through a pretty heavy drinking phase in the aftermath of my divorce. So I have an idea of how it can get.

Just take it day by day, my friend

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Writing seems to be a good outlet, when I can shift my mindset enough from the inevitable anger and channel it somehow and shift it to a positive energy. Sometimes I don’t feel like doing anything though when I get sober. Life feels boring or dull in a sense even though it’s also better whenever I am sober. The quality of my life and the progress is always manifest when I’m sober but I haven’t stayed sober long enough for that to be my normal. I just have to deny myself.

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The fact that you realize that you’re writing is a good outlet is a good sign in of itself. I actually started my blog 11 years ago. I had a few stretches where I did not write it all, particularly during heyday of the pandemic.

I actually started my blog 11 years ago. But I had some gaps where it did not write for entire entire years at a time, including the hay day of the pandemic.

But for the last seven months, I’ve been writing nearly every single day. I found that the more I write, the more I want to write. It is almost like an addiction of sorts. It is therapeutic. And the more I do it, the more creative I feel like I get.

You have a brother in arms over here!

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I look forward to continuing to develop and support ourselves and one another! Yeah it’s conversations and comments like this that I feel motivate me a lot and help me have momentum and gain traction. I have a hard time loving myself, so if people somehow benefit from me learning to love myself and better myself then I can hang onto that service of others and that seems to make it a lot easier to stay on the path. I know that psychologically that is probably somewhat unhealthy and I need to learn to love myself without that necessity. But awareness of that much like knowing writing is a good outlet, is all that is needed. That and time, and I believe confidently I will achieve all my goals


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